Chronic Care Management

Outcome-driven and Evidence-based Chronic Care Management Solution

The State of Chronic Care

In America’s fragmented healthcare system, millions of people with chronic conditions desperately need coordinated care. Chronic conditions account for nearly 86% of U.S. healthcare spending, and continue to grow.

Challenges of Implementing Chronic Care Management

Limited time and practice resources

Uncertain financial success

Worries over red-tape and changing CMS rules

Requires investment in technology

PharmD Live® improves patient outcomes and drives clinical efficiency and value-based care profitability

Streamlined practice onboarding for fast program start-up

Enrollment process maximizes patient participation

Dedicated clinical pharmacists handle patient encounters

Medication management expertise

Proven telehealth technology with predictive analytics

Find out how PharmD Live can integrate our CCM solution with your practice

PharmD Live CCM solutions enable physicians to deliver the highest quality care for their patients with chronic conditions

Download the Overview and Guide to Improving Patient Health Outcomes with Interdisciplinary Services

A personalized, evidence-based and convenient approach to chronic care

Your patients will appreciate our structured CCM program that addresses Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) via integrated social services in the community.

Engagement with PharmD Live is designed to improve health outcomes with additional valuable benefits including:

Immediate benefits for providers

CMS quality measures impacted by our CCM

A turnkey metrics-driven Chronic Care Management solution that benefits your bottom line

CCM Implemenation Process

How PharmD Live’s CCM Process Works

Join growing practices using PharmD Live to improve patient outcomes