Why Should Physicians Participate in Medicare’s Chronic Care Management?

The US healthcare system is designed to serve people with short-term, acute medical problems.  The system is less equipped to provide care to people with long-term chronic conditions.  The statistics are alarming.  These patients “…account for 81% of hospital admissions; 91% of all prescriptions filled; and 76% of all physician visits”   The “Silver Tsunami”, […]

The Triple Win: How CCM Benefits Patients, Practices And Bottom Lines

In 2015, Primary Care Physicians became eligible to receive Medicare reimbursement for non-face-to-face Chronic Care Management (CCM) Services for patients with two or more chronic conditions under current procedural terminology (CPT) Code 99490. An additional CPT Code (99487) was added in 2017 for Complex CCM, enabling physicians to bill for additional 30 minute increments of […]