Part B reimbursement: earn revenue while saving time

Woman contemplates a tall stack of files with a weary look

Burnout can keep the best from wanting to open the doctor’s office each day A national survey, The Physician Task Load and the Risk of Burnout Among US Physicians (The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 2021; 47:76–85), describes the look and feel of an albatross around the necks of struggling providers. The […]

Improving Quality of Life through Chronic Care Management

Aging is a privilege, not a guarantee–Chronic Care Management improves quality of life By Marshall Eidenberg, DO, MBA As one has the privilege to get older, chronic conditions will go up. Typically, one per decade after one’s 30s. Each situation typically involves one or more medications for each chronic health condition. And with more medicines, […]

Chronic Disease Solutions: Spotlight on COVID-19 and its Impact on Heart Disease

By Richard Korecky, PharmD, BCGP COVID-19 has profoundly changed the world we live in today and will continue to leave an indelible mark long after the pandemic has ended. One area of concern for both health care providers and their patients is the long-term effect of COVID-19 infection on patients with chronic diseases.  Acute cardiac […]

PharmDs – Crucial to Chronic Care Management Services: A Doctor’s Perspective

PharmDs Earn MVP Status  By Marshall Eidenberg, OD Chronic care services managed by a doctor of pharmacy, PharmD, is a critical addition to a medical practice, but they are not widely engaged with these responsibilities. With the challenging number of diagnoses and medications that Medicare patients take, it is essential to have a team member […]

2021 Highlights of Chronic Care Medicine

1. Fee-for-service reimbursement falls as quality performance pay increases A 3.75% cut in the 2022 Medicare conversion factor, which calculates reimbursement for procedures under fee-for-service, is mandated under a budget neutrality provision and comes after a pay bump from Congress that expires in 2022. Meanwhile, quality performance pay is increasing. CPA healthcare analysts at the […]

Chronic Care Management vs. the Army of One

By Marshall Eidenberg, OD In early 2001, I was a soldier in the Army when a new advertisement showed up on TV featuring Corporal Richard Lovett as a hard-charging soldier running in the desert and making the statement, “… I am an Army of one.”1 The problem was that as good as he was alone, […]

Chronically ill Patients Thrive With Chronic Care Management & Risk Stratification

Elderly man with COPD

As a physician, you face a caseload with multiple risk profiles, conditions and age demographics.  While some patients only require an office visit, others require ongoing specialty care.  Patients rely, more than ever, on your medical wisdom and assessment of their conditions.  Handling this diversity of conditions is not beyond your skills, but seems to […]

The Growth of Telehealth & Chronic Care Management in the Wake of COVID-19

By Richard Korecky, PharmD Animals can adapt, but humans are infinitely adaptable. COVID-19 made us change how we lived, worked, played, shopped, and more for over a year. Humans primarily responded by taking precautions: wearing masks, staying distant, and hand-washing. Hanging plastic and plexiglass were used universally around the globe. Open hours – hours that […]

Top 10 Reasons Why Your Practice Should Consider Chronic Care Management (CCM)

According to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), 45 million of the 60 million eligible Medicare beneficiaries have 2 or more chronic conditions. These conditions affect a patient’s quality of life.  They are often complex, costly, time-consuming to manage and frequently require after hours care. Independent studies indicate that primary care physicians are […]